Horsforth Newlaithes

Green Forum

The Green Forum was formed in February 2015 to give all parties a voice in the green aspects of school life. We have teachers, children, parents and grandparents as members. We are supported by Sustrans. 

Since 2015 the Green Forum has worked really hard organising and publicising events to support sustainable travel and reduce the number of cars on the road.  

We have been rewarded for our hard work with a Gold Award from Mode Shift Stars. 

Elizabeth Powell 

We are now working towards the Plastic Free Schools Award and have already completed more than half of this award. The whole school assembly, rubbish collecting and sorting and the recycling survey and bingo have all helped to put across our message. Thank you to everyone who took part.

Green Week took place during April 2021 with the whole school taking part in activities every day linked to Green issues.  There are some examples of the work on this website.

Justine Hanson