Year 1
Autumn Term
Year 1 Newsletter December 2024
What a fantastic first term we have had! The children have taken to Year 1 like ducks to water and we are all so proud of how hard they have all worked. They are a joy to teach and we have really enjoyed getting to know them all.
This Half Term
In phonics, we have continued to learn many new sounds including alternative graphemes and split digraphs. We have also been concentrating on the Year 1 Common Exception Words, reading and spelling.
In English we have enjoyed being inspired by a wide range of texts, including traditional tales such as The Gingerbread Man and a wonderful non-fiction book called A Winter’s Sleep. The children have all been SO enthusiastic about being writers and have worked very hard throughout the term.
In maths, we started the term revisiting the Reception curriculum before moving on to working on addition and subtraction, shape and more recently, numbers within 20. This has been very exciting for the children as they are able to build on their existing knowledge, working with bigger numbers.
Geography and history have both been highlights for the children this half term. Our map work has taken us outside, exploring the school grounds and our work on Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale has inspired lots of the children’s ILT work during autumn 2. PE has included ball skills and jumping (we definitely have some budding netballers in this cohort!) and dance. Lots of you will have enjoyed seeing our self-portraits that we did in art, displayed in the piazza.
Coming up in Spring 1:
Next half term we will continue to be inspired by a range of texts including Beegu, How To Catch A Star and The Great Fire of London, and in maths we will be continuing to work within numbers to 20 and then move on to numbers to 50. In phonics we will finish all the phonic sounds and then be revisiting these to ensure they are embedded.
Important Reminders
- Daily 10 minute reading.
- Homework is given out on a Friday and is due back on a Friday.
- Spellings – the most recent Common Exception Word assessment has been stuck into the back of your child’s homework book. Please refer to this for spellings that need practising at home.
- Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day.
- Our PE days are Monday and Friday.
Please could we ask that all school children and siblings are using the paths when on the school grounds and NOT going on the grass areas. This is to keep everyone safe and reduce mud being trodden into school. Thank you.
Please make sure reading books and bookmarks are kept in their plastic wallets and are in school daily.
Key Dates
6 Jan School opens to pupils
13 Jan Karate for Y1
27 Jan Open the Book assembly by Churches Together
6 Feb Parent reading event
14 Feb School closes for half term break / PTA non-uniform day
24 Feb School opens to pupils
Additional Information