Horsforth Newlaithes

Year 2

Autumn Term


Year 2 Newsletter Autumn October 2024

It was lovely to meet you all at parents evening a couple of weeks ago. We have had a great start to the year with the children in Cedar and Chestnut Class and we are impressed with how they have settled in to the routines and expectations of Year 2.

This Half Term

This term, we have used the text, The Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson to inspire our English writing. The children have been busy writing a diary, character description of the bear and a setting description. We have introduced the children to lots of new vocabulary to try and apply in their writing. For example, the children know they can use other synonyms for shiny such as shimmering, gleaming, dazzling etc. The children have impressed us with their attitude towards improving their handwriting this term. We have reminded the children that each letter needs to be formed carefully and accurately, for example, not forgetting the flick on the end. We have also focused on the position of letters on the line and ensuring that their ascenders and descenders are positioned correctly too. They have ended the term by writing their own incredible versions of the story.

In maths we have focussed on place value of numbers to 100, this has included using a variety of representations such as the base ten, Numicon, part whole models and tens frames. We have now moved on to learning about addition and we have been learning how to become more efficient mathematicians by adding to the next ten. 

In science we have learnt about the properties of different materials and found out about some famous scientists who had significant inventions involving materials. Can your child tell you who these scientists were? (Charles Macintosh and John Dunlop).

In the wider curriculum have produced some beautiful paintings inspired by David Hockney and in geography we have been learning about sea sides in the UK.

Coming up In Autumn 2

Next term, in English we will start the term by completing some non - fiction writing where children will write reports, documentary voice overs and fact files. In maths, we will continue to work on addition and subtraction and the children will be taught some more formal methods including column method. In DT, we will focus on mechanisms and we will design and make our own toy cars using wheels and axles. And of course, next term we will do lots of oracy work based around our Christmas performance. Watch this space... We do not want to tell you too much information about this and spoil the surprise!

Important Reminders

  • If you need to contact us, please use the following email: year2@newlaithes.co.uk
  • PE DAYS - Tuesday and Wednesdays
  • Library - Library visits will take place on Tuesday with Vicky Maitland so please return any books each week on a Tuesday.
  • Homework - please remember that children need to spell the Year 2 Common Exception Words by the end of the year and a selection of these should be learnt each week. We have retested the children on the Year One Common Exception Words. If children have received a score of below 40 then they should continue to consolidate these for homework.

Diary Dates

Fri 22nd Nov PTA disco

Wed 4th Dec Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner Day

Fri 6th Dec PTA Christmas Fair 3.30 - 5.30

Tues 10th Dec Reception performances 2.30 and 6.00

Wed 11th Dec Y2 performances 2.30 and 6.00

Wed 18th Dec Reception and KS1 parties in the afternoon

Fri 20th Dec Rec, KS1 and Y3 Enrichment Morning


Once again, thank you for all of your support so far this year. 

The Year 2 Team