Horsforth Newlaithes

Year 2

Autumn Term

Year 2 Newsletter December 2024

What a fabulous term we have had in Year 2! We are incredibly proud of how hard all children have settled into their new year group and the progress they have made already this year. 

We hope that you enjoyed the children's performance of The Mystery of The Missing Mince Pies as much as we enjoyed supporting the children to perform it. We are proud of each and every child for their wonderful performance!


This Half Term

This half term in English, children have completed some fabulous pieces of writing based on our class text One Day on Our Blue Planet…In the Ocean. We have written documentary voiceovers, non-chronological reports and kennings about dolphins. We have also continued to learn our Year 2 spelling patterns and have focussed on new joins in handwriting. In maths, we have consolidated our knowledge of addition and subtraction and more recently, we have been naming and identifying the properties of 2D and 3 D shapes. In history, we enjoyed learning all about Grace Darling and why she is historically significant. Can your child remember how many people she rescued? In DT, we enjoyed designing and making toys with wheels and axles. In computing, we were really impressed with how hard children worked as they started to learn coding skills.


Coming up in Spring 1:

In maths we will continue with our work on subtraction and then we will move on to multiplication and division. Once we have introduced children to multiplication methods, we will then send out a password for them to start applying this on Times Table Rock Stars. In English, we will explore a new text (we won't tell you yet!) and we will use this to inspire our writing across the half term. Next term in history, we will start to learn about what school was like in the past. We will visit Armley Mills to support this learning about Victorian schools. You should have already received the information that you need to know about this day. In art, we will be looking at the work of William Morris and using this to inspire our own printing designs. 


Important Reminders

Please continue to practise common exception words spellings in your yellow homework book. An updated list has been stuck in your child’s homework book. Homework books should be returned to school each Wednesday. Please continue to read daily for 10 minutes and record this in your child’s reading record.


Please note that due to Christmas play rehearsals, prop making and a variety of Christmas activities, all children will not have read with an adult over the last couple of weeks in school. Books have however, been changed for all children.


Please remind your children to stay off the grass and stick to paths around school to avoid muddy feet coming into school.


Key Dates

6 Jan             School opens to pupils

7 Jan             Karate for Y2

30 Jan           Y2 visit Armley Mills

14 Feb            School closes for half term break / PTA non-uniform day

24 Feb           School opens to pupils


Finally, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year.


The Year 2 Team