- purple sweater or cardigan with school logo
- white polo shirt, (available with the school logo)
- grey trousers or skirt/pinafore
black shoes or trainers
purple gingham dresses can be worn during the summer
Children should not bring valuable personal items to school. For safety reasons we have a ‘no jewellery’ policy except that children may wear a watch and one pair of simple studs if ears are pierced. We feel that make-up and nail polish are inappropriate for school and therefore should not be worn.
Children should have the following clothing for Physical Education which should be worn to school on PE days:
Plain, unbranded shorts or leggings in either purple or a dark colour and a white t-shirt. Trainers should be worn and these can be in any colour. Cycling shorts may be worn but should at least mid-thigh length. Short pairs such as Nike Pro ones are not appropriate.